Thank You Morah
My Morah My Star
Dear Parents and Principals
A new program for girls grades 4-8 to thank their special Morahs. “Chanukah” is connected to the word “Chinuch” – education? Chanukah is a time to show appreciation and gratitude to our dedicated Morahs who shine their light and help us come closer to Hashem each day.
Our Chachomim compare Torah teachers to stars that shine in the sky. “My Morah, My Star” is a new
program for you to thank your special Morah. By participating, you will enter a raffle for special prizes, and the best letters will also be rewarded. Every girl who submits a letter will receive a small gift for participating.
By showing gratitude to your Morah, you too will be a shining star!
Thank You!
Igud Hamechanchos
Grade 4
At least 3 sentences, and include one of these points:
- Mention something special your Morah did.
- What makes this Morah’s class special?
Grades 5-6
At least 5 sentences, and include one of these points:
- Personal lesson or inspiration learned from your Morah.
- What makes this Morah’s class special?
Grades 7-8
At least 7 sentences, and include one of these points:
- Personal Lesson learned from your Morah’s class.
- How does this Morah inspire you?
- What makes this Morah’s class special?
If you find the guidelines too hard, yet you love your Morah your can write a paragraph.
Share what makes your Morah special
Express Your Appreciation